Personalized, Playful

Instruction & Intervention

Engaging, research-based, one-on-one instruction in reading, spelling, and handwriting
for students in 1st-8th grade...

...using Evidence-Based Curriculum
Students need systematic, explicit instruction in order to become proficient, thriving
readers and writers. Merriment uses evidence-based curricula, including Wired for Reading and Handwriting Without Tears--ideal for those experiencing dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other language learning setbacks.

...with Highly Personalized Lessons
Each lesson is thoughtfully prepared and carefully tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges that each student faces. Concepts become more meaningful and memorable as they are connected to the student's personal interests and life experiences.

...and Playful Teaching Strategies
Learning takes place within the context of joy and connection, and with a growth mindset. Kids get to move and express themselves as they learn with multi-sensory teaching strategies, including silly stories, drama, music, games, sign language and more--all within a safe, nurturing space.